Close to 50% of people over 40 won’t have enough saved for a comfortable retirement.

Close to 50% of people over 40 won’t have enough saved for a comfortable retirement.

Which 50% are you in?

We’re not the kind of Financial Planners who believe one size fits all.

We’re not the kind of Financial Planners who believe one size fits all.

You might have expected managing your money to be an exhausting, stressful experience (and you wouldn’t be wrong), but what you didn’t anticipate was the level of detail involved.

It’s more than just sorting out your assets; it’s about crafting a plan that mirrors your exact dreams.

There’s comfort in knowing someone’s got your financial back, offering guidance not only in investments but also in your life goals.

And the weight lifts from your shoulders when someone else takes care of taxes, estate planning, and all those little things you haven’t even got to worrying about yet.

Let’s be honest; you know you need more than just a collection of work pensions amassed over your career.

You’re seeking a partnership that goes beyond transactions, someone who understands you and your family and designs a plan for more than just financial success.

With wealth management, it’s not just about making the numbers add up; it’s about achieving your ideal outcome—whether that’s a worry-free retirement, funding your children’s education, or leaving a lasting legacy.

That’s where we come in.

By the time our work is done, you won’t just have a financial plan. You’ll have the rest of your life mapped out.

By the time our work is done, you won’t just have a financial plan. You’ll have the rest of your life mapped out.

Financial Diagnosis

Doing some sums on a napkin was a good idea then, but now you realise they’re not giving you the answers you want.

A Financial Diagnosis gives an accurate picture of your financial status now and shows the gaps stopping you from achieving your long-term goals.


  • Easy preparation for you to do in advance of the meeting

  • Lifetime cash flow model
  • Easily see where you need to make changes
  • Leave with a financial to-do list
  • 1-hour meeting

£350 +VAT


You’ve got up to £250,000 worth of assets spread across pensions, ISAs and insurances, and you need some straightforward advice on how they’re all set up. 

You don’t have time or the desire to figure it all out yourself so you’re looking for someone to hold your hand and get you organised.


  • In-depth recommendations based on your personal situation
  • Admin set-up and transfer of funds to new providers (where necessary)
  • Updated lifetime cash flow model
  • One-off, flat fee

From £1,000-£1,600 (Final quote provided after your Financial Diagnosis)


You want an annual review of your assets that includes end of tax year planning because tax is a headache.

The problem? Your accountant only goes into so much detail. You don’t feel you can have a frank conversation with them. So you want a solution that works and ensures your £250,000+ assets are safe and sound.


  • Full annual review
  • Tax planning
  • Analysis of annual allowances models
  • Up to 10 hours support across the year

0.75% annual charge based on asset portfolio.

Higher Net Worth

When you’ve got over £450,000 worth of assets, you need a team on your side to make sure you’re taking advantage of every option that’s available to you.

As with our Core clients, we support you with annual reviews and tax planning and also look at pension carry forward and bond calculations.


  • Cash flow model
  • Annual review
  • Tax planning
  • Up to 20 hours of support across the year

0.75% annual charge based on asset portfolio.


Who said everything’s easy when you’re wealthy? You need expert eyes across your assets to ensure everything’s rosie now and in the future.

We’ll manage your £1m+ of assets, so you have the headspace to make informed decisions based on our recommendations. It might be a cliché, but your health is your wealth. We want it to stay that way, so we give stress and overwhelm the elbow.


  • All Higher Net Worth and Core services plus

  • Inheritance tax planning
  • Dedicated administrator

  • Up to 30 hours of support across the year

0.75% annual charge based on asset portfolio.

Are you ready to spend less time worrying about tomorrow so you can start enjoying today?

Are you ready to spend less time worrying about tomorrow so you can start enjoying today?

Ready to make plans?

Book a Financial Diagnosis

Get in touch so you can chat through any questions and understand what you’ll need to prepare in advance of your Financial Diagnosis session. You’ll have a bit of homework, but we promise it’ll be worth it.

Choose your date

Once we find a convenient slot in your diary, we’ll get your session booked. All our meetings are held online, so it doesn’t matter where you’re based.

Let’s start creating your financial freedom

On the day, we’ll share our findings based on all the info you gave us in advance. But don’t worry, we won’t bore you with a dull presentation. We bring everything to life in a colourful way so you can see your financial life mapped out in front of you.

Ready to make plans?

Book a Financial Diagnosis

Get in touch so you can chat through any questions and understand what you’ll need to prepare in advance of your Diagnosis session. You’ll have a bit of homework, but we promise it’ll be worth it.

Choose your date

Once we find a convenient slot in your diary, we’ll get your session booked. All our meetings are held online, so it doesn’t matter where you’re based.

Let’s start creating your financial freedom

On the day, we’ll share our findings based on all the info you gave us in advance. But don’t worry, we won’t bore you with a dull presentation. We bring everything to life in a colourful way so you can see your financial life mapped out in front of you.

“I first heard Lisa on the Making Money Podcast talking practically about savings and investments. After meeting Lisa for a detailed financial review, I felt very reassured that I’m in a good position and took valuable advice on my life goals and money management. Lisa is friendly, easy to talk to and very helpful and knowledgeable.”

– Mark

Let’s create a financial plan that gives you freedom now and in the future

Let’s create a financial plan that gives you freedom now and in the future

Book your Financial Diagnosis